I have been a childminder for nine years and was previously a secondary
school teacher of English for fourteen years. Working with children and
young people is all I have ever known and I consider it to be an honour
and a privilege to be such a fundamental part of their education,
specifically now within the Early Years.
I am also a wife and a mother; my husband and I have two daughters
and they are thirteen and eleven years old. They both continue to
thoroughly enjoy growing up alongside the children who attend Chirpy
We are also the proud owners of two indoor cats and a rescue dog. Our
rescue dog is lovely, but he is happily kept separate from the children for
the majority of the day. Sometimes he joins us for certain activities, but
this is only ever under my direct supervision, for example he sometimes
comes and joins us for our calmer activities, such as story time! He also
has his own fenced off section of the garden.
We have lived in our three-bedroom house in Bracknell for eleven years now and we have no immediate plans
to leave Crown Wood. We are lucky to be situated just a short walk from Cown Wood Primary School and
Nursery, as well as the local shops and an array of lovely playparks and woodland walks. Only the downstairs
areas of the house are used for childminding; downstairs consists of an entrance hall, living room, kitchen diner, bathroom, a bedroom and our garden. The garden is fairly large and is rearranged regularly to suit the
needs and interests of the children in each day. Usually, the children have access to some play equipment, ride on toys, water trays, sand play and a makeshift mud-kitchen area. Our indoor activities tend to include arts and
crafts, messy play, baking, reading, singing and toys such as small world setups, trains and cars, play food, dolls,
mega blocks etc. We also have lots of natural resources in treasure baskets which babies and young children
seem to really enjoy. We also have plenty of puzzles, books, toys and resources to suit all ages and stages of
Monday – Thursday 8-6 Open all year round
Ask me about payment schemes
Here at Chirpy Chiddlers, every child’s uniqueness is embraced and all of the children, and their families, are
treated equally and with respect. Regardless of their ethnic background, language, culture, gender, socioeconomic background or disability every child will be included and supported here. We have resources that
reflect the backgrounds of all of the children and activities to suit their abilities, thus enabling them all to feel
that they belong here and that they are accepted, supported and encouraged to achieve.